Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Happy 32nd Birthday Eric!

Eric Thomas Ham turned 32 yesterday, Monday, January 7th. Happy Belated Birthday Big Brother! Love you lots.



Aunt B said...


Happy birthday, Eric! You're getting quite elderly.

VrouwBouwman said...

Happy Birthday, Eric! Welcome to the land of us 32 year olds! Its not so bad!;)

(Fun pictures, Joel!)

skymama7 said...

happy birthday, cuz!you're lookin real good for such and ole' guy!

Anonymous said...

Eric says a hearty THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes!! (Yes, I am his translator) I keep telling him to get his buns in here and comment back to all of you, but I think he thinks it's a lot more complicated than it is. He watched me struggle ( and scream a little!) for 2 hours to get those pictures posted....guess that could have somethin' to do with it! =) But now that I'm "broken in" with this blogging thing....I like it! And I'm gonna make him like it, too!! =)

P.S. Referring to "how good Eric looks for such an ole' guy".....It's all those "look-better, not old and dead" tricks they taught him in embalming school. You know, a little formaldehyde injected here and there works wonders! BETTER than botox!!(and much cheaper!) Shhhhh, don't tell him I let his secret out! Although, it could make a nice little "side job" when business is slow. =) I hear there's big bucks in that these days.... Anyway, thanks for the comment, he's still a little paranoid about the receding hairline thing, as he hasn't found any tricks to combat that yet! =)

Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Thanks for enabling him Nancie! Just kidding. Thanks for typing for him though.

You feel free to call me again for a lesson on posting whenever you need it. ;)

Side note: Have you forgotten your username & password for the blog? I noticed you commented anonymously. Feel free to reply via e-mail.