Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat!

We had a fun evening trick or treating. We started out by going to Gillette Children's Hospital and visiting Jacob Bergum (the boy from our church who is recovering from the auto accident). I forgot to take any pictures while we there. He was worn out, but was happy to see us. The kids had not seen him since this last operation. It was good for all of us.
We then stopped and did a little "real" trick or treating. It was very cold out and we only lasted about 45 minutes to an hour. But they still got more than their share of candy. They are saving the "sour" candy for Jacob - that's what he likes. He doesn't like chocolate, but likes sour candy, I guess.
As you can see, it was more work for Dad and Mom than for the kids - but they get all the candy!!! Posted by Picasa

More Maze Pictures

Just a few more.
Thanks, Burt, for all the fond memories! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 30, 2006

Sever's Corn Maze

We were finally able to go visit Burt (and Molly and kids) at Sever's Corn Maze.
We had a blast.
Unfortunately, we weren't able to stay long, but the weather was perfect and we had a good time, as you can see by the pictures. Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 27, 2006

A Day In the Life of Andy B.

5:30 am: wake up

Google Your Name

If you've never tried it, you should...Google your name, that is. Go to Google, type in your name, and see what comes up. Here's one of the things I found for my name...

Excerpt from Cattleman Magazine

TSCRA’s 2006 School for Successful Ranching set for March 25-26

Fourth-generation rancher and career cowboy Joel Ham of Big Lake, Texas, will lead a session on “Cow Sense—Understanding Bovine Psychology,” the key to successful low-stress cattle handling. Joel will detail the basic behavioral instincts of cattle and clearly explain why the handling results we get are directly related to our understanding of how cattle think and react.

I bet you didn't know that I am a smart, successful rancher in Texas! Oh, the double lives we live. ;) At least I care enough about the cows to try to make their lives as "low-stress" as possible. Go ahead, call me a cow-hugger! :D

Have fun!!!


Monday, October 23, 2006

Great Grandma D visits Illinois!

It's been such a treat to have Shirley visit us. She arrived Saturday and we stopped by Jeremy, Chrissy, and Lennon's apartment. After going to lunch, we sat and gabbed for a few hours (took a few pictures with GGD and Lennon) before heading to the "Ham's Hideway" in rural Hopewell (how's that for the three H's)!

Sunday was spent at church, followed by a wonderful lunch again at the three H's. Eric Nancie, Alivia and Ethan joined us. Several more pictures of GGD with Alivia and Ethan (Caleb was at the Grandma & Grandpa Evans). More relaxing time in the afternoon watching football and visiting.

Monday Becky and Shirley spent the day 'antiquing'. Some small purchases (Shirley couldn't buy too much, have to take the bags home on the airplane!).

Will post more as Shirely's visit continues.

Harrison's 3 Month Pictures

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Caroline!!!


Caroline, it has been too long since we've seen you! We hope you are well & surviving with your brothers & sisters. ;) I'm sure your mom & dad have a special birthday party planned for you. Filled with food, fun, & fantastic frolicking (if you don't know what that is, you will someday). Just make sure someone takes some pictures and sends some our way. We'd love to see the fun you had.


Joel & Stacy Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Elise!!!


I'm a few days early, but Stacy & I will be out of town this weekend, so I wanted to make sure I said it before rather than after. We hope you enjoy your birthday and have lots of fun with your friends & family. I am so happy that I get to see you every Sunday and watch you grow up. I know I make myself sound old, but I remember when you were born and you were so small! Hardly seems like it has been that long ago!


Joel & Stacy Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Becky Lynn!!!


Thank you for being born! ;) You have been a wonderful mother to me and I am endlessly thankful that God gave me such great, loving parents. Your example of service for the Lord and others will be part of the legacy you leave our family. I wish we could have been there to help you celebrate. I hope you enjoyed it, or will enjoy it, if you haven't celebrated it yet. We look forward to seeing you again sometime soon.

All of Our Love,

Joel & Stacy

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Where Is The Family?

Hey Family! Where are you guys?! I understand life can be busy, but... I guess I'm just a little disappointed that I don't see more of you taking an active part in the blog. Just the regulars, not that there's anything wrong with the regulars (you know who you are), I appreciate your participation. You don't even have to post something (although it would be great if you did), just comment on other posts. Even my own mother...I never see her on here (love you mom).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love my family and want to see & read about them and what's going on in their lives. So stay in touch.

P.S. This is called The Drury Report, but I have yet to see a Drury post anything on here! Terrible! ;)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Hey, Joel....
How about those Bears? They can't even lose when they try to! Wow.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Latest Pictures of Lennon - October 14, 2006

Saturday, (October 14) we visited Jeremy, Chrissy, and Lennon at their home in Bloomington (IL). Lennon was a real charmer, waking up for grandma and grandpa (it was really feeding time). She continues to do well and will be going to the doctor this week for a follow-up visit.

Jeremy and Chrissy discovered this week that they have mold problems in their apartment (primarily their bedroom) and this could be the cause of Chrissy's headaches. They've contacted their landlord and hopefully the problem (and the cause) will be soon found and fixed.

Please contine to keep Jeremy, Chrissy and little Lennon in your prayers, especially during this time of adjusting for this new family and their finances.

From Proud Grandma and Grandpa (Becky and Carl)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

First Snow (1 of 2)

Here's the view from ShopNBC (Eden Prairie, MN). Technically, this may not be the "first" snow, but I think it is safe to say that it was the first snow of any signifigance. Makes you want to sit down in front of the fireplace with a big bowl of soup or chili, doesn't it?

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First Snow (2 of 2)

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Drury Family Photo

I found this in an old post on the Martin Clan Blog. I think everybody is there except Andy & Sara & family and my lil bro, Jeremy. Stacy was there, but not yet part of the fam. There've also been a few babies born since then. When can we all be together like this again? Very soon, Lord willing. Enjoy! Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 06, 2006


Congratulations Drury Report Bloggers!!! We have reached double digits for comments on a post for the first time! The Briggs Four's Sever's Corn Maze post and all of your comments made it happen, so thanks to you and the Briggs family.

I know this is a small milestone in comparison to the Martin Clan Blog, where almost every post has double digit comments, but we're new to this and have to have something to celebrate. Right?!

Keep up the posting & commenting and don't be afraid to recognize & announce other milestones you see. Thank you for supporting our blog.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Blogger How-To (Lesson 2)

Welcome back for another session of Blogger How-To! I'm not sure how many of you this will benefit, but I figured it is probably worth talking about anyway. Our second lesson will be...

How To Post Videos

Step 1 Videos

Some of you have digital cameras that allow you to capture digital videos, in addition to digital photographs. Others have digital camcorders. The fortunate ones have both! I'm not going to tell you how to get the videos you record from your camera/camcorder onto your computer, because it is different for everyone and it would take more time than I wish to spend on this.

We'll go from here...once you have the video(s) you've recorded copied onto your computer, make sure it is saved in a folder under a name you will remember. Feel free to do any editing you desire, if you are capable of doing so.

Step 2 Upload

There are several free upload, or hosting, sites available on the Internet these days. All are capable of doing what you need, but be aware that most, if not all, have content that is not edifying for Christians. This may include violence, sexual material, blasphemy, etc. Advertising on these sites can also be along the same lines. I don't know of any Christian-owned/run sites that offer video, photo, or document hosting (If you know of any, let me know.). Here are the sites I know of:

You Tube





Some, if not all, of these sites will require you to set up an account with them before being able to upload videos. When doing this, be aware of any boxes that are checked signing you up for automated e-mails. It is also best not to put too much personal information on there.

Once signed up and logged on, look on the main page for "Upload." Click on this and follow any directions they give for uploading your video.

When your video is done uploading, the page that follows should have a link (ex. http://www.putfile.com/ letters and numbers) that you can copy onto your Blogger post.

That's all you have to do! Easy right? ;)

Step 3 BlogThis!

It's best if you have Blogger open in one window and your upload site of choice in another. In your Blogger window, do what you would normally do to submit a post to The Drury Report. Type the text you want and/or upload the photographs you have. When you are ready to add your link to your post, switch windows. Highlight the link and press your "Ctrl" button & "C" button at the same time. This copies the link. Then switch back to your Blogger window, make sure the cursor is in the right place on your post that you want the link to go, and press "Ctrl" button & "V" button at the same time. You should see the link copied onto your post. If you have several links, just repeat until they are all on your post. Finally, publish your post and click on your links to make sure that they redirect you to the videos you have uploaded.

As always, if you have trouble with any of this or have any suggestions to make it go smoother, please let me know.

Lord willing, we will start to see some videos of our family. Wouldn't that be awesome!

Until next time, Happy Blogging!


Limerick for Andy and Sarah

I thought you were wary of "Harry"
That the nickname you found very scary;
But if that's what he's called
Then until he goes bald
We will lovingly call Harry "Hairy."

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Brenda's first golf outing!

Just thought you would enjoy the pictures of our first golf outing as a couple. We went with another couple in our church. It was fun. It was so pretty.
It took us a while, though... it was dark by the time we ended! Posted by Picasa

Sever's Corn Maze

Thought I would share a few pictures from our little outing to Sever's Corn Maze. I am still experimenting with this blog site - so this is really just to see how this posts. I'm not sure if we can share videos, but I am going to attempt to upload a video of Andy and Darryl (they are talking about being people being open-minded - Darryl is so precious). We'll see if this works.
Bert and Molly - this would be great for sharing with Bert's parent's in Brazil! Anyway, enjoy!


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Monday, October 02, 2006

Pictures of Harry

Hello Everyone! Here are a couple of pictures of Harry at about a week old. Enjoy!  Posted by Picasa