Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat!

We had a fun evening trick or treating. We started out by going to Gillette Children's Hospital and visiting Jacob Bergum (the boy from our church who is recovering from the auto accident). I forgot to take any pictures while we there. He was worn out, but was happy to see us. The kids had not seen him since this last operation. It was good for all of us.
We then stopped and did a little "real" trick or treating. It was very cold out and we only lasted about 45 minutes to an hour. But they still got more than their share of candy. They are saving the "sour" candy for Jacob - that's what he likes. He doesn't like chocolate, but likes sour candy, I guess.
As you can see, it was more work for Dad and Mom than for the kids - but they get all the candy!!! Posted by Picasa


Aunt B said...

Ben got lots of compliments on his 'unibrow'.

Sara Briggs said...

Hey Bixbys! Those costumes are pretty swank - great job Mama Bixby. Elise, Im liken' the eyelashes and blue eyeshadow!

Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Very nice costumes guys! I'll ask this of Andy & Sara too...Did Mom & Dad dress up?

Excellent punkin carvin skills Dano!

Aunt Char said...

You all are the cutest! Brings back fun memories of our not-so-little-anymore-ones, too.