Friday, October 27, 2006

Google Your Name

If you've never tried it, you should...Google your name, that is. Go to Google, type in your name, and see what comes up. Here's one of the things I found for my name...

Excerpt from Cattleman Magazine

TSCRA’s 2006 School for Successful Ranching set for March 25-26

Fourth-generation rancher and career cowboy Joel Ham of Big Lake, Texas, will lead a session on “Cow Sense—Understanding Bovine Psychology,” the key to successful low-stress cattle handling. Joel will detail the basic behavioral instincts of cattle and clearly explain why the handling results we get are directly related to our understanding of how cattle think and react.

I bet you didn't know that I am a smart, successful rancher in Texas! Oh, the double lives we live. ;) At least I care enough about the cows to try to make their lives as "low-stress" as possible. Go ahead, call me a cow-hugger! :D

Have fun!!!


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