Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sever's Corn Maze

Thought I would share a few pictures from our little outing to Sever's Corn Maze. I am still experimenting with this blog site - so this is really just to see how this posts. I'm not sure if we can share videos, but I am going to attempt to upload a video of Andy and Darryl (they are talking about being people being open-minded - Darryl is so precious). We'll see if this works.
Bert and Molly - this would be great for sharing with Bert's parent's in Brazil! Anyway, enjoy!


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Sara Briggs said...

That first picture is supposed to be a video, but maybe it doesn't work to do that. It would be so fun to share video if we could.
Anyway, let me know if you think that is possible - maybe it's something where you have to pay extra. If so, probably not worth it.


Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Currently, Blogger does not allow user to post videos directly on a blog.

However, there are several upload, or hosting, sites that allow you to upload your videos for free.

Then, all you need to do is post the link, which they provide, on the blog and people can click on the link and be directed straight to the video on the upload site.

I might have to do another "Blogger How-To Lesson" to show everyone how this is done. We'll see.

Until then, happy blogging!


Sara Briggs said...

Awesome! A link would probably work well. Thanks Joel!


Daniel said...

I like the pics. Good to hear from you all.

Aunt B said...

YeeeHHHAAAAA!!!! It's Sever Corn Maze time again!!! You guys look so cute! Thanks for posting!

VrouwBouwman said...

I t looks like you all had a great time at the maze! (I heard that Kenny was very brave---like father, like son!)We took some pictures last week, but have not gotten around to posting them. We'll try to do that soon! (Yes, it would be fun to have Bert's family check out the blog, they would get a kick out of it!)If any of you guys out there would like to visit the maze, but are wary of the $9 per person price, let me or Bert know and we may be able to get you the "friends and family" discount!(FREE!:-) It's nice to have connections!

Aunt B said...

We're in! :-) Is it open this Sunday, Molly? OH!!! I almost forgot there might be a FOOTBALL game on that day or 3 or four.....HMMMMM.......better check my Vikes schedule......

VrouwBouwman said...

Oh pu-LEEZ!!! You would not really skip a fun, family day at the maze for those vile vikings, would you?!:-) For those of you who can't tear yourself away from the big game, there is a vikings tent w/ a TV, so you don't miss a thing.(Like anybody really CARES about those losers!)I tell ya, the maze has got it ALL!!!!

Joel and Stacy Ham said...


VrouwBouwman said...

Yes---The Corn King himself(Big Bad Bert) just confirmed that it is true, if you are there BEFORE 8:45am.(Alittle early for a Saturday!) One of the TV stations is doing a "special report" from the Maze, so if any of you want to get in for free, or know someone who does, just show up!If you don't go , be sure to tune into channel 11 for the exciting maze news!!!!:)
Oh, and by the way,skymama, just don't tell your man all the mean things I said about the Vi-QUEENS!!
I agree with Joel---GO BEARS!!!:-)