Friday, October 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Becky Lynn!!!


Thank you for being born! ;) You have been a wonderful mother to me and I am endlessly thankful that God gave me such great, loving parents. Your example of service for the Lord and others will be part of the legacy you leave our family. I wish we could have been there to help you celebrate. I hope you enjoyed it, or will enjoy it, if you haven't celebrated it yet. We look forward to seeing you again sometime soon.

All of Our Love,

Joel & Stacy


Daniel said...

Happy Birthday, Beckums.

Boy, Joel. Nothin' like gettin' a little ecksheshive with the pictursh!

I'm thinkin' you're shlightly parshal.

Joel and Stacy Ham said...

You can have too many pictures?!

You're talkin' to a guy who loves pictursh! ;)

VrouwBouwman said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUNTIE BECKY!!!We hope you had a wonderful day!
Joel, you can never have too many pictures!;) Especially when they are all so cute!( My fave is the one with my Mom and Becky w/ the fashionable paper plate-looking hats! Let's hope that trend is gone for good!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Becky!!! I am with Joel, you can never have too many pictures, especially when the subject is sooo good looking! I love looking at your website because of all those long lost cousins and their kids and grandkids I get to see. Thank you Joel for starting this, I doubt you remember me since we haven't met often, but I am your mom's cousin that lives in Rockford. Since my kids live all over the place I may have to get a website of my own to see their faces once in awhile. Hope you don't mind my long comment, but your mom is one of my very favorite people from way back!!!

Aunt B said...


Happy Birthday Kiddo! I wish I could have flown down with MOM! Oh well. You two don't get yourselves into any trouble antiquing too much, ya hear?!

I wish I could say, "I remember you when you were KNEE HIGH TO A GRASSHOPPER!" But my earliest memories of you were in your wedding. I think you got me to walk down the aisle (HOLDING cousin Jimmy's HAND!!!!) by telling me you'd give me a sucker after the wedding. :-) That sealed the deal for me! I (think) I did well doing the wedding thing for ya, but you've spoiled me ever since, BIG TIME!!!! Love, The Runt of the Litter, The Baby, ETC ETC. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Ruth you are welcome to comment as long as you like. We love to see & hear from all the relatives.

As you can see, a family blog can be very useful to the family. It does take some patience & perseverance to get it going, but it's worth it.

Thanks again for stopping by! We look forward to seeing you comment here in the future.
