Friday, June 27, 2008

Drury Family Reunion 2008

To view a larger version of this slideshow, go to Ham Huddle.

Click on the link to be taken to an album containing all of these photos.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another Test!

I'm testing out my new blogging capabilities - wow - I'm actually posting a picture!  I don't have my pictures from the Drury reunion on the computer yet - so I'm posting an older picture from Feb. when I took the boys to Disney World.  I feel really high tech now!

This is a test!

Thanks,  Daniel for the tutorial!  I hope I FINALLY have this figured out!  It was so good to see all of the Drury clan!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Elise is Back from Colorado!

We are so glad to have Elise back from Colorado.

I'm not going to type too much, since I'm using this to train, but it is sooooooo good to have our daughter back with us!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Yes. I ate two.

Not that bad, really.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bambi visits the Bouwman's!

You just never know what might happen at our house! I mean, it's a zoo around our place, but usually the animals only have 2 legs! The other day , Papa surprised us by bringing home a baby deer! (Whatever happened to a puppy or a kitten...or even a pony?) The kids enjoyed "playing" with the poor thing, but could not convince Mama to keep it. Too bad. (We think the mother was the dead doe on the highway, but you never know...) It would not take a bottle, much to the kids disappointment, but it did manage to pee and poop all over Papa's shirt, that's why he's shirtless. ;) Never a dull moment around our home!

P.S. Can we say "pee" and "poop"?
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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Edie's 1st Birthday


We celebrated last night with a cake, which Edith loved. She thought it was pretty great to dig into her own piece. :) Today we went to the pool. She is getting pretty comfortable with it. She let us let go while she was in her tube. And this afternoon, we are going to the store to pick out her gift from Mommy and Daddy and get some ice cream. We have had a great time celebrating with her! She has been such a blessing to us this past year and we look forward to the years ahead.
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