Tuesday, September 11, 2007

NASCAR...Revealing Insight

Click on the link below to see a stunning video about the incredibly complex sport of NASCAR.




Anonymous said...

Hey, ya'll!
An' here ah thowt NASCAR wuz so gosh durn easy...Now, after watchin' that there innerestin' RE-port, ah dunno...ah have a new unnerstandin' o' the sport... it sure ain't fer dummies, thet's fer durn sure...the complexerties of drivin' them cars is amazin'!

An average NASCAR fan

Daniel said...

Pretty good, Joel. Did you read some of the things in the ticker underneath? Pretty funny.

Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Yes I did. NASCAR fans are such easy targets. It's too bad David doesn't know how to blog...I'd love to see his thoughts on this. ;)