Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bass Lake. Anyone? Anyone?

I know that a few representatives from the "Shirley clan" went to Bass Lake this year, I've seen the proof (thank you Facebook)!

So, does anybody have some pictures? A story to tell? Maybe some video footage?

Please share with those of us who were unable to attend due to "extenuating" circumstances. ;-)




VrouwBouwman said...

Sorry. In typical Bouwman fashion, we left our camera in the truck and did not take a single photo! *gasp!* Maybe someone else did??? If I remember correctly, Elise was taking a few?

skymama7 said...

the turner family---like the bouwman family also did not take any pictures...you guys just wait til you have three--or four!!!

when you lose man-to-man coverage the poop, tinkle,and sticky faces and hands stage a hostile takeover!

anyway we had a lovely time chatting with the fam and of course the girls had a blast running around with all of their cousins...and then there was the sweetest 13 year old girl in the world who was kind enough to play with them---i think we all know who i'm talking about. thanks elise!!!