Saturday, March 10, 2007

Lennon Spends The Weekend With G&G Ham

Lennon Adele came to spend the weekend with grandma Becky and grandpa Carl. Jeremy and Chrissy had planned a weekend away visiting a friend in Iowa, so Becky picked up Lennon Friday afternoon.

She was soooo good! Took her naps as expected, slept through the night, and was very happy all the time. Saturday it reached 54 degrees, and Becky took Lennon for a walk around Hopewell in her stroller while grandpa worked cleaning up the garage.

These pictures were taken Saturday evening in our living room. We'll have to give her back on Sunday after church. We enjoyed her very much and had a great time. All children are a blessing from God, but especially grandchildren!!!


VrouwBouwman said...

What a little doll!:)

Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Sounds & looks like you guys had a fun weekend! I hope we get one as well behaved as L.A. ;)


Aunt B said...

SHE IS WAY TOO ADORABLE!!!!! I love the pictures! Thanks!