Wednesday, February 07, 2007

"Boomer" joins the Ham Family

This past weekend Joel and Stacy welcomed a new member to the Ham family. No, it's not what you think (even though they are expecting their first in May), they have added a new puppy to their home.

Boomer is a six-week old Great Pyranees (sp?) puppy they purchased. They traveled to Indiana and picked up Boomer, then stopped by our house for a few days. Boomer is adorable (aren't most puppies?), but will be over 100 pounds when full grown.

Attached are some pictures taken of Boomer (one including Eric and Nancie's beagle Lucy).

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Hey, look at the new 'baby'! Becky, I LOVE your new coffee table. VERY sharp. I wish I could find one so cute. I'll keep hunting!