Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We thought the Drury blog needed something new. What could be newer than a newborn? Here are a few photos of our little guy. Bert likes to give him a shower, but if I'm not in the bathroom to grab Briggs when he's done, Bert wraps him in a towel and places him in the sink! Poor guy---he'll be too big for it before long!
Shirley Kate LOVES her new baby!
Briggs' 1st Sunday going to church. It was also Mother's Day---he was 5 days old.

Brotherly love.
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Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family God has given to you! Can't wait to see baby Briggs in a few days!

Unknown said...

How darling!!! I've not looked on here for ages, since the Drury Blog has taken a plunge since everyone is Facebooking instead (ahem, you holdouts who need to get a FB account! :-)

Anyway, these are great pictures and so much fun to see.

Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Thanks for sharing the photos.

I'm with Bert! I love taking my babies in the shower; they cling to you...too much fun. I never thought to put mine in the sink though; that's a pretty good idea. ;-)

It's good to see the old Drury Report with a new post. Maybe we can keep this up?