Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Slumber Party at the Turners!

We got to go to the Turner's house on Sat. for a slumber party! We had so much fun! Here are some pictures of our time with the Olivia, Ava and Lucia.
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VrouwBouwman said...

Looks like fun, guys! Ben, how was it being the "man of the house" with all those womenfolk to take care of? ;) That doll that Olivia is holding is sort of freaking me out. Ava has no right to be so doggone cute. Oh, and the ice cream looks good, too! :)

Daniel said...

Awwww. looks like fun.
Thank you, Auntie Wendy for creating a diversion!

The Bookworm said...

Yes, the doll sort of freaked me out too. : ) Looks like a fun time, guys!