Monday, November 05, 2007

More of the Booxby's Party!

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Aunt B said...

These are great! We're still missing Hillary! Where oh where could Hillary be, oh where oh where could she be?

skymama7 said...

maybe she has i.b.s.?!! that could be one way to keep her outta the white house!

VrouwBouwman said...

Nodody can find Hillary? That's amazing, because she's ALWAYS in the news, and her picture is plastered EVERYWHERE. I never got the impression ol' Hillary was camera shy! What exactly was she doing at the party? (Beside asking for money?:-)

Aunt B said...

She was probably putting band-aids on her face where the plastic insert of her mask was slicing her to pieces that she had forgotten to remove! ;-) Actually, she was probably looking for a tank of oxygen.....I don't think the insert had any nostril holes! She didn't look too blue-tinged in the picture at the table, though, so that's good.

It's a good thing she doesn't come on this blog much, or she'd be commenting by now! :-)