Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Corn Princess

Uncle Bert took little Miss Olivia (the birthday girl!;-) down to the river bottoms to pick some fresh sweet corn on Saturday night. It was lots of fun to pick our own corn! And within minutes it was boiling in the pan---it does not get any better (or fresher) than that! MmmMmm!
Maybe next year Uncle Bert can give you a ride in the BIG picker...if any of the Bouwman kids will let you! (Picker rides are highly coveted around here!:-)
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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Princess.
I hope you had a good weekend. It sure looks like you had fun.

Aunt B said...

Wow!!!! ;-) Pretty cute. It sure looks like you had fun, Olivia Lula!

When does the MAZE open?!