Friday, May 18, 2007

Old Family Photos

Anybody care to venture a guess as to who these folks are?

These photos came from an old suitcase at Grandma & Grandpa Drury's.

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skymama7 said...

ok. upper left corner: noah and his three sons...prior to the flood

lower left corner: lurch and the mrs.

the rest could not possibly be related to us...they look entirely too normal!

Daniel said...

Don't have a clue, though I'm guessing the top right has to be from the Ham side.
Had smiling been invented yet?

Daniel said...

If the top left is Noah and his sons, the bottom left must be Adam and Eve!

Aunt B said...

Is that 'tabacca' in the beard of the upper left dude? :-)

Aunt B said...

c'mon Drury's this blog is getting to be a DUD! We need something to SPICE IT UP!