Tuesday, November 21, 2006

She doesn't mind the attention

I don't know if this will work or not.
It was fun to have the Turners over last night.
The kids (and parents) had a blast.
(Click on the picture for a cute video.) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

What a ham!

Sara Briggs said...

H I L A R I O U S !!! How cute is that? Daniel, tell me how you posted the video!

Daniel said...

There was some confusion about who this is... sorry about that. It is Olivia Turner (Wendy and Eric's) for those "extended" family members who were wondering!
Also, what she is saying is "carbonation." --- Eric, you'll have to explain it.

Daniel said...

I posted it to Google video first.
It's pretty easy to do. The site wasn't working, so I couldn't make it play in the blog itself, so I had to make the picture a link.
I'm going to try one of Dad soon -- we'll see how it goes.

Sara Briggs said...

I have to give it a try> Thanks Daniel!

Anonymous said...

eric teaches olivia to say some random words-she has no concept what they mean...wendy