Hey, I am taking a class on weblogs and wikis this semester, and one of the course requirements is that I set up a blog. If anyone is interested in reading or commenting on it, they are welcome.
“What weak creatures we are!"
5 years ago
What is this about witches? Webblogs and witches? What are they teaching you guys in college these days?
My dear Anonymous,
clearly, you need to learn how to spell. The witchcraft you are mistakenly connecting with the word "wikki" is "wicca." These are two very different words...with very different meanings...but then, you would have known that if you had known how to spell and use a search engine like Google. : )
But, not to worry...that's why they have college classes.
I'm interested to see what you think of Wikkis. I use them in training, but am not convinced they are as great as some people think they are. I'm not saying they're not... just still waiting to be convinced about it.
I have to work with them quite a bit in my degree, as well.
Sorry, my kk button is stuckk, I kknow wikki only has one kk in it, but kkeep having kkeyboard issues. Please don't kkickk my backkside likke you did Anonymous. OKK?
LOL, OKkkkkk. If I did, you could give it all back... Clearly, Anonymous is not the only one who needs to learn how to spell. : )
"Wikki?" Goodness....and to think, I am even taking a "college class"...how appropriate.
Personally, I think wikis are ugly, strange, fascinating. The one for our class isn't doing much for me. However, it is one which requires membership to our class group in order for viewing and editing. Overall, if the members in my class would actually use it to post helpful things, I would probably hold a higher opinion of it.
Then again, I am not overly crazy about the idea of collaboration taken to the extreme and virtually eliminating "authorship" as we commonly think of it. Wikis are awful for doing documented research...they might be useful for other types of research though, perhaps with experimental projects?
I haven't really used wikis in any great amount...so, I really don't know what I am talking about at all. : )
What do you think of them? Are they helpful in your career?
Also, my apologies to poor Anonymous. I rather jumped down your throat...and of course, I was guilty of the exact same thing I accused you of. It was all meant in fun, though....?
And, as a disclaimer, it was before 10 o'clock in the morning (I am always grouchy in the mornings!).
: )
Dear Bookworm,
I know of which I write. The trem wik(k)i comes from the ancient 3rd century B. C Omniconimus language and means "wicca", from which we get the english word wikked or witched (wicked). So, I suggest you do your homework and stop attacking my erudition. As the great Hyptocraneus once said, "which Wiccas will wonder when wicked witches waver wherever wikis wander"
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Whoa! Dems fightin' words! Bookworm, what do you have to say for yourself? Hehehe... this is good...
an entertained observer
I probably would "attack" your "erudition," my dear Anonymous No.1, if there was any to attack. But, as there is not, you have nothing to fear. The delusions of the deranged hardly qualify for scholarly attention.Perhaps you have been smoking something in that pipe of yours for a bit too long, eh?
My dear Anonymous No.2, who's fighting?
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
Why the interest in fighting? Betting is frowned upon in this here family circle, you know.
Who are all these "anonymouses"?
Betting is frowned upon in your family circle? Such raw emotions displayed here on this blog! I will definitely have to check in daily.
Hey -- I hear the Bookworm is a witch now. Anybody know for sure?
E. T.
Hey Skymama7,
This isn't Salem and there will be no crucible. Bookworm is not being accused of being a witch. Bookworm is merely being accused of attending an institution of "higher learning", which, in my highly esteemed opinion is a great deal more sinister indeed! Witches fly around on brooms and wear funny hats. College students are among us everywhere. The fact that witches know they are witches is what condemns them. But those of us who are intelligent enough to know better, know that college students don't know much of anything. As Hypercranius Maximus once said, "knowledge known knocks knowledge knowable". You never saw him hanging around the sutdent union!
Brilliant!!! Finally, here is a blogger who shows true wisdom! At last, I am now understood. My faults laid out in a ... knowing
Thank you, K.
Anyone who quotes the great Hypercranius Maximus (no pun intended) is a master of intelligence indeed (and the possessor of an unusually big head).
May I ask who the author of this websight is? I have preferred to remain anonymous for reasons which he/she, with his/her puny little mind, would not understand. However, since Bookworm has seen my "brilliance", which the author of this websight would never have been able to ascertain, I will probably be discovered soon anyway. And who is "K"? What right does anyone have to attribute my luminous writings to a generic K??? Therefore, so as to remove all doubt from inquiring minds, I will identify the true source of these eruditious musings. It has been a pleasure commiserating with you.
Incredimus Maximus
please inform the author of this blog that he is an insidious imp!!
Dear Bookworm,
Just to clear an issue. I am sure by "large head", you were referring to the implausible size of my unequaled upper cranium, rather than the idea that I might be arrogant. To the young-and I am assuming you are young by the manner in which you write-arrogance is sometimes confused with confidence
Incredimus Maximus
Dear K,
I believe you have made some grave mistakes, and, as such a dedicated scholar, I am sure you will wish to learn of them immediately.Therefore, I have briefly detailed them below.
Firstly, have you ever noticed that there is such a thing as blogger identity? Yes, I am sure you have. (Anyone possessing a cranium of "implausible size" must have noticed that bloggers may choose what their blogging name appears as.) So, I was perfectly correct in referring to you as K. You identifed yourself as such. Therefore, unless your cranium is of an implausibly small size (and as such, incapable of mastering simple blogging skills), you may wish to change your blogger identity.
Secondly, if you insist on holding me to my words (which is always a good idea), you must be careful to correctly read my words. I did not use the term "large head," I used "big head," exactly for its associated connotation.
Thirdly, as any erudite knows, it is incorrect to use the abbrevation for Post Scrpitum with a comma instead of colon, period, or merely space.
Fourthly, to convincingly assume ignorance of this blog and its bloggers, you must cease making such unproved assumptions (besides, it is not scholarly in the least!)such as that this blog's author is male.
This really is quite amusing! Who would have guessed that a simple little post would have merited such lengthy responses? Truly, I am flattered.
Ah Bookworm,
You challenge my acumen, so, even though I thought I was done responding to this "amazing little post" I must counter with an explaination.
Firstly, you must remember, I chose, for obvious reasons, to remain anonymous which for some reason the simple minded author of the blog chose, for some inane reason, to eliminate. (He/she had probably never before seen such intelligence in print and probably wanted to find the source of the genius) Therfore, I had to do some quick investigations into the nature of blogging etc. Without going into the details you will see that I have corected the ridiculous "K". I did not identify myself as such.
Secondly,"large" and "big" are obviously synonymous unless you use them in an idiomatic sense, which you really didn't because the phrase was included in parentheses and was therefore apart from the thought in context. A very small matter indeed!!
Thirdly, I am more accustomed to the pen than I am to the keyboard.
Finally, in reference to the gender of the blog host. In my day it was permitted to use the masculine when referring to human beings in general. But your acusation led me to a couple of interesting conclusions. You must be female, and the author of this blog cannot be human. He/she is of the opinion that he/she can determine what the readers of this blog should/should not read. Demigods be cursed!!!
SUFFERING SUCCOTASH!!!! Such activity!!! Sarah, you're somethin' else, girl!!!
K---???? You definitely know how to get her feather's ruffled, eh?!
All--extremely entertaining!!!
Keep em comin'!
"O frabjous day!Callooh! Callay!" I may not be able to do much else, but at least, at the end of the day,I may feel the satisfaction of knowing that my jabberwocky has entertained another.
But,what's this? Ruffled feathers? My dear Auntie, I have no feathers to be ruffled...I am merely a worm, remember? ~
Cool as a worm, and full as true, t'is me.
Only my priveledged elders have had the opportunity to grow feathers (and a bit of bird sense).
FYI .....
According to MY "wikki", succotash is a recipe prepared with boiled corn and lima beans; one can then add additional ingredients such as: tomatoes, green and red peppers,and even cured meat or fish. This dish became very popular during the Great Depression because it was inexpensive to prepare.
Anonymous E
Wendy - you should write a post about succotash! : )
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