Yesterday was my first time to vote!!! Although it is tempting to think that my vote really didn't do much in the way of contributing to the cause I was voting for, I am still grateful for the opportunity to be involved with national politics and to have a voice, however small, in choosing my country's leaders.
Being on a very liberal campus has made me thoroughly sick of politics, and I must say I am glad that all the campaign ads and candidate endorsements by professors are (hopefully) ended. I can't help feeling melancholic about the results of the election though.
With a vague sense of despondency, I wonder, "What America will be like by the next time I vote?"
“What weak creatures we are!"
5 years ago
Way to go Sarah!! It's good to know that God is in control of everything! Stay strong on that liberal campus and be a bright light in this dark world!
Aunt Becky
dearest despondant one...let not your heart be troubled. our hope is not of this world. with that being said...
being married to a poli-sci major...means that this house was bursting at the seams with political talk. it does all seem futile doesn't it? however, this election has caused me to want to really know more about important things like the constitution, the revoltionary war, i am determined to delve deep and gain more knowledge of the inner workings of our country's political system.
i would also encourage you to tune into talk radio once in awhile. rush limbaugh, jason lewis (in the cities), sean hannity, dennis praegger etc. it will encourage you to know that there are millions of people that feel the same way that you do.
wendy lou
Sean Vanity? Come on!He's such a kool-aid drinker! I'd suggest Jason Lewis or Michael Savage. Rush is a kool-aid drinker too, but he's so funny I'll forgive him.Praeger is pretty good. And Laura Ingraham. She sips the kool-aid, but is sharp and witty and funny! (Can you tell we listen to a lot of talk radio? If the fairness doctorine happens, we'll have nothing to do!) ;-)
They're all kool-aid drinkers!
Of regular or sugar-free? : )
Rush destroys his claims to intelligence or critical thinking skills with his trademark ego. His very exaggerated existence elaborately destroys his chance of persuading those who most need to be convinced of his views. He speaks to hear his own voice instead of speaking to be heard.
Those who like Rush like him for this. But they are already of the same views as he is. What I find repulsive about Rush is not that he does not have anything worthy to say, but that he arrogantly destroys his persuasive powers by becoming what he most passionately criticizes others for. But perhaps I should end this rant,lest I play the fool and become what I am criticizing!
I know others are like-minded, Wendy. Thank you. : ) But apparently, not enough were. And,
don't worry, 'cause I'm not. God is in control. And He is just.
What do y'all (like that attempt at Southern language, Joel?) think the Democrat-controlled Senate, Congress, and president will do about abortion? What are your educated predictions? Will we see an increased amount of favorable laws towards it, or the contrary, or nothing either way?
That should be "President." : )
Yes Bookworm, I like your attempt at Southern language. Don't forget to say it with a lot of twang and a little smile. ;-)
As for my predictions, President-Elect Obama has shown his true stripes towards abortion and infanticide (click on link below). We know how Democrats have approached abortion in the past; why would they change anything now? We have to trust that the outcome of this "debate" is in the Lord's hands. His will be done.
Congratulations on your first voting experience! I'll leave you with this John Quincy Adams quote, "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
dearest bookworm. please be careful not to act like a democrat! ideaology is a liberal democrat's religion and therefore they do not have any sense of humor. they take themselves and everything else much too seriously. this is a huge part of rush's "ego" act.
this is where (evil---ahhhh!)capitalism comes in...rush knows what sells---he has made a fortune off of his "ego", and people like me listen because i DO have a sense of humor (and obviously an ego problem of my own!:))
plus, it doesn't hurt that he is right just about as often as he claims to be!
wendy lou
oh, and on the abortion problem. it is my opinion that first and foremost---hearts must be changed. we could outlaw abortion but how would this change the hearts of those who would get an abortion if it were legal?
how do we change hearts? we don't. the Holy Spirit does.
um, can someone ask daniel what he's drinking?
wendy lou
Take heart. Barack is the anti-Christ and was voted into office by a bunch of people who never had to pay taxes and think "change" means something you do to your unda-pants once a week. They also think Socialism is a good idea because it "spreads the wealth" ... try telling a little girl who has braved the cold and gone trick-or-treating that she has to give 45% of her candy to some lazy kid who didn't want to leave their house. Most of Barack's followers are now sitting by their mailboxes waiting for their check. The joke's on them if they think this will make everything fair.
Speaking of "fairness", we need people like Rush Limbaugh around to provide a little comic relief and some political truth ... before the Lefties (who love free speech) pull the plug on him. Hope you feel better!
Eric (Wendy's houseboy)
ok. i have just a few more things to say before i can go to bed.
the people you are concerned with (who will not take to heart what rush speaks about) are just plain ding-dongs. these are people who love to show up at a protest rally. excuse me, what exactly has a protest rally ever accomplished... really. these are the people who love to feel good about themselves, so they parade on about how they love the environment,the whales,the trees...the anything so long as it gives them a feeling of self-righteousness. these are people who come to the aid of cold-blooded murderers and rapists screaming at the injustice and cruelty of the death penaly...but would never consider the fact that truly INNOCENT babies are being slaughtered every day in their own neighborhoods. these are the people that hate the very country that has given them the freedom to hate. go figure. these people are blind and deaf to truth. i tremble to make this statement, but i almost welcome God's judgement on our country if it will bring about a broken and repentant nation.
as you are an incredibly intelligent young lady, i know you already know all this. i just needed a good, old-fashioned rant. and quite felt GREAT! in all seriousness,i will admit that the "these people" i was referring to, are some of the hardest people for me to have a Christlike heart of compassion for. my own heart is in need of some serious Holy intervention.
thanks for asking great questions and creating alot of dialogue here on the ole'; drury blog!
wendy lou
What a bunch of political pontification. It almost sounds like somebody knows what they are talking about.
Sarah, don't get too worried that your vote doesn't count. I voted in my first election for Richard Nixon. Even though he won, my vote didn't count because good ol' Minnesota went for McGovern.
Take heart in the fact that that even though the economy appears to be in shambles, the war in Iraq drags on, and we had a really weak candidate, it wasn't a landslide. Given the situation, republicans didn't have a chance, and yet almost half the nation still wanted them.
Which brings me to another point. Why do we want them? The republican party hasn't done us any favors since Regan. There is more debt, more government, and less freedom than there was eight years ago. Maybe we should take J. Q. Adams' advice and vote "principle" rather than party.
About the koolaid: I can't stand it. I hardly ever drink it... just once in a blue moon.
About abortion: As "Sister Dubya" has so eloquently stated, they aren't going to do anything that God hasn't already ordained.
Okay, so I grew up in a country where Barack would have been on the far right. It taught Christians there that our savior is not the government. As Eric said, many people will soon be disappointed when successful people still make more money than lazy people do, and the extra money lazy people get still seems to disappear into thin air. However, we must remember that God has ordained government, and it is not evil to help the less fortunate.
I did like your rant about Rush, Sarah! Keep it coming! He's probably excited, since he will make a lot more money with a "liberal" in the White House than a "conservative."
Wendy -- what's up with the capitalization? Who was your teacher?
Since I am SO knowledgeable in political affairs of this country, yeah right, I just wanted to put my 2 cents in.
One thing that hasn't been brought up in this dialogue, is the candidate that the republican party brought forward.....he was was not the STERLING candidate that any of us would have liked to have seen, I don't think. He was just a little bit 'better' than Obama.
Who in the heck is old enough (and blogging!) to have voted for Nixon!
I wouldn't admit to it either, Mr. (or Ms.) Anonymous!
WOW! There are quite a few members of the Drury family who get mentally involved in the blog! : ) Thanks for all the responses! Here's one last response (you all know I can't shut up!!)...
Wendy, I too agree that the Holy Spirit changes hearts, but I also believe that God can use us to do His work as well. Therefore, we have a responsibility to always have a "ready defense." And, more importantly, to speak the Truth in LOVE. Because once we leave out Love (God is Love and He is Truth), we often become prideful and the "debates" become about ourelves and what we think, instead of what God says and does.
What I have found effective in dealing with those in my limited world of Academia like extreme feminists, socialists, atheists, or people who sort of claim God but have no desire to know Him or follow Him, is to establish credibility with them, act on Truth with Love, then explain my actions or beliefs when opportunities arise. Several times, I have disagreed with my professors over topics such as whether God is a "myth" or not, etc., and because I know and treat them as a people, not merely a member of some party, I am better able to communicate with them. Not that they agree with me, but they LISTEN and I know that I have planted the seed, and it will be up to God to water it.
Don't get the impression that just because I am "vaguely despondent" I am questioning God's sovereignty. I too believe that nothing can happen outside of God's control. But that doesn't mean that I cannot weep for those wandering still in darkness, or that I can somehow write off the downward spiral of our nation just because God is in control. Isaiah, as God's prophet, knew what would happen to Israel, and that God was in control, and that caused him to weep over that nation's fate and their unrepentance.He didn't sit back and say, "Well, it's too bad that these people are so stupid; they won't hear me, and God's going to destroy them anyway, so I might as well leave them alone." No, he did as God told him and went out among the peole, urging them to hear God's message. And he never stopped speaking absolute Truth. But he never omitted God's message of Love either. It was not about him, but about God. That is the tricky part for me to act out...too often, especially in a classroom situation, I let myself get way too important and give myself too much responsibility - I think that if I don't say the right thing, and if they don't all agree, I have somehow failed. On the other hand, I can go to the other extreme and rationalize that nothing I say will change minds, so I slouch down and don't stand up for anything. Obviously, both are wrong. : ) But I'm learning, and I am still discouraged
about our nation's moving away from God, but I am encouraged by the work that I see God doing in my life and those around me.
Thanks again for all your encouragement. What an awesome family!!!
is this a record for most comments after a comment? just wondering.
Have we ever had this many comments before? I think politics brings everyone out of the woodwork!
(I thought we were supposed to be voting as if we were not voting, and we are to "do politics" as if we are not "doing politics"?) ;)
So now we've talked about politics, who is going to write the next article? Maybe something on religion? :)
Why don't you begin our next conversation on the 5 points of Calvinism followed up by a lengthy discussion on infant baptism. Let's also broach the subject of drums in church.
Anticipating a healthy and opinionated discourse,
You first. :)
Grandma Ham says...
Ok I'll chime right in cause it's one of my favorite topics and I think we may be able to get in the Guiness book of records for the most comments on a blog!
I know I might make some of my fellow Drury brethren upset, but the TULIP is by far the prettiest flower and is theolologically correct in every way!
As far as drums in the church go, I say send them back to Africa!!!
I say:
Keep the 5 Points and Keep the Drums, but skip the infant Baptism and introduce a newborn to the church through a Dedication Ceremony. (I guess that's the Bethlehem Baptist party line, but I agree with it.) Since I'm hoping to stretch this exchange to at least 24 comments, I'd also like to say that all churches should present two options for discussions of "the end times". Give those in attendance information on Pre-Trib and Post-Trib beliefs and let them research each side and make a decision based on the biblical proof available. Also, start using REAL WINE for communion! C'mon!
Anticipating a response,
(formerly Wendy's houseboy)
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