Saturday, June 07, 2008

Edie's 1st Birthday


We celebrated last night with a cake, which Edith loved. She thought it was pretty great to dig into her own piece. :) Today we went to the pool. She is getting pretty comfortable with it. She let us let go while she was in her tube. And this afternoon, we are going to the store to pick out her gift from Mommy and Daddy and get some ice cream. We have had a great time celebrating with her! She has been such a blessing to us this past year and we look forward to the years ahead.
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Aunt B said...

Happy birthday, Edie!

That looks delicious!

Hey, show us some pix of your apartment, when you get a chance. How are things going?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my sweet little Edie!!
So glad you had a fun birthday with cake and presents. Everything a girl could want!
See you in a couple weeks at G&G D's!!

Love, Grandma Ham

Anonymous said...

Aww... can't wait to see you.
Happy birthday, big girl!

Anonymous said...

isn't it great being one? i can't wait to see you up at grandma and grandpa drury's! we'll have lots of fun together! happy birthday!

love, shirley kathryn