Sunday, May 04, 2008

Have ya'll "gone country"?

Okay, we are not afraid to admit we enjoy a bit of country twang every once in awhile. Not too long ago, we were listening to Joe Soucheray, and he was sharing a list of funny country music song titles. We got such a kick out of it, we thought you might enjoy it, too! ( We "edited" out a few. They were hysterical, but we thought this is a family blog, so it must maintain at least a "PG" rating... )

"Her teeth was stained, but her heart was pure"
"How can I miss you if you won't go away?"
"I changed her oil, she changed my life"
"I fell in a pile of love and got you all over me"
"I liked you better before I knew you so well"
"I still miss you baby, but my aims gettin' better"
"If I can't be #1 in your life, than #2 on you!"
"If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead?"
"I'm so miserable without you, it's like havin' you here"
"My wife ran off with my best friend and I sure do miss him"
"Thank God and Greyhound she's gone"
"I would'nt take you to a dog fight (even if I thought you could win!)"

So... have we converted any of you to country? :) Believe it or not these are real songs!


Anonymous said...

I have always been partial to the old country ditty: "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy". Now THAT is a good one!

From:your long-lost redneck relative

Anonymous said...

My favorite is:
"If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?"

I still can't figure out if the answer is yes or no!

VrouwBouwman said...

Yeah, that's a good one. :) Bert actually said that line to a ditzy girl at the farm, and she said, "Of course I won't hold it against you! That is so SWEET of you to say!" :) We don't think she got it...(But the guys all got a good laugh!)

Anonymous said...

hey--- what about: "it's hard to kiss at night the lips that chewed my..."---oh, wait, that might not be appropriate. never mind.