Saturday, April 19, 2008

T4G '08 Conference

I had the opportunity to go the Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville this week. It was great. For someone who loves congregational singing it was a little bit of heaven! I was just really disappointed we didn't sing more, but I guess that wasn't the purpose of the conference. You can visit the site to hear the sermons if you want.

Warning: Not for the faint of heart (or Arminians either, for that matter)!

Seriously, if you want to hear some good teaching, it is great. It was also a blessing to see how God is using Al Mohler to help bring the Southern Baptist Convention back to solid biblical theology.

Bob Kauflin, who led the singing, has a list of the songs we sang on his blog.


skymama7 said...

danno--did you mean arminians? i think armenians are the people that are from over there in the middle east/mediteranean. am i wrong? they might want to take your warning seriously too.

i'm green with envy--i wanted to go to the t4tg conference!

bring on the calvinism! this ought to get uncle tommy's blood pumpin'!

skymama7 said...

the goshgarians are armenians--tell them to heed the warning! and they are arminians too! how convenient! pat will hunt you down!!!

VrouwBouwman said...

Oh, skymama! You are too funny! I think its funny that Danno went all the way to Kentucky to hear Pastor John...its not like he's not right down the road from him every Sunday...well, every 3rd Sunday in person!(I know he was not the only speaker!)
Seriously, it sounded like a great event.I heard that the speakers were all really good. I'm sure you left feeling "pumped up"!

Daniel said...

Thank you for the spelling lesson.
I stand corrected.

Yes, Molly, your pastor's sermon was great.

It is too bad that they don't have the panel discussions recorded, because that was actually the best part, I thought. After each message they would sit and discuss the message and some practical applications, etc. They would also mess with each other a lot. It was fun to see.

If you can only listen to one message, you should listen to Thabiti Anybwile's message.

skymama7 said...

danno, there are some advantages to being home-schooled! i sure can spell good---but don't ask me to do any basic math!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it, Danial. Most peopel reeding this blogg doesn't no a armeneean from a armienian!

Aunt B said...

:-) Sky MAMA!!!! You are feeling pretty spunky over der in Minnetonka.....I hope your uncca don't take no offense to your comments.....I'd duck if I was you. 'And brer rabbit and de brer bear----dey lay low' that's what I'd be doin if I was you. Just pack those boxes in peace over der and get yourself out to meyer asap... Meyer....take is that why you're moving to South Dakota?........... quick!!!!!

Aunt B said...

OK OK's MAYer not MEYer....sorry spelling patrols of the univers!!!!

Aunt B said...

Oh dear!!! U-N-I-V-E-R-S-E!!!

skymama7 said...

i think the bixby's need to go to sue's school of ARE those scrabble games at the bixby household? pretty interesting i'll bet!

Aunt B said...

:-) you funny!

Anonymous said...

you stinker can't spell NO GOOD! you come to my crass -- I teach lesson for you to sperr good! Hook on fonics no have rast word on me cause I sperring king! My sperring extra spicy wit a flied wonton and cherry on top! Kung PAO!!!!!!

Chef Ree

Aunt B said...

Chef Eric, I want the POO POO platter!!!!

Anonymous said...

Uh..."Chef Ree",
I believe that is a "resson", not "lesson" that you teach. :) I would like some poo-poo platter too, please. (Or is that "prease"?)

Daniel said...

Hey... C'mon Joel...
Do I get some kind of reward or something for getting us into the double digits comments?
(Of course, none of them had anything to do with the post, but hey....)