Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday Afternoon

Some photos of Edith & Stacy on a relaxing Saturday afternoon.


VrouwBouwman said...

Edith is changing! I always thought she looked so much like a little Drury/Ham, but now she is looking more like Stacy! A little of both---anyway, she's pretty darn cute!;)

Anonymous said...

i can't believe edith is almost one! and such a little dumpling doll!


Hamfam5 said...

She adorable!!

Aunt B said...

Granny ham, I had Edith in the nursery this morning. She is so cute. She's gonna be walkin' before ye know it. (Might I add she has a sparkle in her eye that reminds me of her daddy about 2 1/2.....she's as good as gold; I just wonder if she isn't gonna end up super busy like Joel was.....????Sh! don't tell them that! :-))