Monday, November 05, 2007

A Bouwman Halloween

The kids wanted to "go western" since the maze had an Old West theme this year. Bear went for the Wyatt Earp look, and Bronwen wanted to be, in her own words "a pink cowboy-girl"!!!
Mac was supposed to be a little cowboy---we hd the outfit ready, but at the last minute he wimped out and decided to be a giraffe. (We think he saw make-up on Berend and was afraid he'd have to do make-up too!)
With no time change it was a little bit bright and sunny when we took off for trick-or-treating! We did not even light our jack-o-lanterns until we got home!
We trick-or treated at EP Center before hitting a few friends and families houses.Renato went with all of us to the mall. He's a friend from the farm who is from Ecuador. He wanted to see what this crazy American holiday was all about! We sure showed him: CANDY!!!!!
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Aunt B said...

DARLING! Thanks for posting!

skymama7 said...

you guys looked great! wish you would've stopped by the turners place...we could've perked a pot of coffee and sat around the campfire!

VrouwBouwman said...

Does anyone else have photos of their little goblins dressed up? We'd love to see them!;-)

Tante, we would have loved to stop by the Turner's,(We were actually planning on it!), but everything took longer than we planned...of course.

Aunt B said...

Bummer, we didn't go out this year. We do have one of Raggedy Ann dressed up for 'Character Day' at school, though. I'll try and post it.

VrouwBouwman said...

Character Day??? Is this some new pc celebration I am unaware of?

Aunt B said...

Well....she had to dress up as a book character, and if she had it, bring the book, so that they could read sections from each kid's book. :-)