Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day at the Dome

We celebrated the last unofficial day of summer today by going to a Twins game. They lost to the Cleveland Indians, but we still managed to have a lot of fun. Tomorrow will be a big day - first day of school!
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Joel and Stacy Ham said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Too bad we're back in a slump again and you couldn't see a winner.


Anonymous said...

Hey, guys! I've enjoyed reading your family blog! Dan, that pic of you and your daughter looks like you went back in a time machine and are sitting next to a little Brenda! ;-)

VrouwBouwman said...

I say this at the end of every summer, but this summer just flew by! It seems like we were just wrapping up the school year, and now here we go again! Big changes for the Bixby girls, huh? Jr. High and 1st grade! Wow! (We start school tomorrow and are all quite excited about it---even I am a little bit!)

Go Twins!:)

Anonymous said...

Aunt Becky said...
Looks like lots of fun! Did you get some peanuts and Cracker Jacks?
How was your 1st day of school? Hope you have a great year and make lots of new friends!!

Anonymous said...

hey-who's jen? just curious!

Aunt B said...

Jen went to Northland with Daniel and I.

Aunt B said...

Hello Jen! Thanks for checkin' out our blog! Hope your family is doing well!

Anonymous said...

so that mean this blog is rapidly gaining world wide fame???cool.

Anonymous said...

the bixby family---adoreable as always!