Thursday, September 27, 2007

Greetings and Salutations!

Hi, y'all!
This is Sarah, alias The Bookworm. : )
Thanks, Joel for allowing me to become a blog member!

As most all of you know, I am now in Nevada, Missouri attending Cottey College, a small, private girls' school. I feel like I have adjusted pretty well to college. I don't like all the "girl drama", but the college itself is fine. Most of my classes are enjoyable. There are a few professors that I am not too fond of, but overall, I can't complain. I am taking French 1, English Literature, Introduction to Poetry, College Algebra, SCUBA diving, piano lessons, and flute lessons. They are all interesting, challenging, and time-consuming!

I have settled into Nevada by now too. Of course, that is not hard to do when one's grandmother knows almost everyone who lives in the town! : ) I am going to First Baptist Church, and have become a choir member there. I love choir, and the choir loves me! They all think I'm wonderful and are glad to have me there, which is nice. : ) It is also rather funny, because I'm the only choir member under 45 years of age! In fact, the choir members start arguing over who gets to sit next to me during rehearsals. They're just pretty desperate for new members, I guess. : )

That's all for now. Tune in next time for another great episode of The College Connection!

~ The Bookworm ~


skymama7 said...

well dearest sarah. soooo good to hear from you!

i have been meaning to call someone to get your address in nevada...but alas-my little ankle biters are ever nipping!

can you post your address on the blog, or email it to me?(

i have to ask---are you taking french just to get in good with the bixby clan???

well dear, you take care. don't wear yourself out with your studies---and by all means please bring an umbrella with you to choir to beat away all the old men!!!i'm not sure if you specified whether it was old men or women fighting over the privilege of sitting next to you...i guess if they are old and rich that is not all bad!jk

The Bookworm said...

LOL - no, I'm taking French because taking 6 credits of a foreign language is a graduation requirement. I had already taken one year of French before, so I figured that my previous year would help me now (and it is!). Also, I prefered French over Spanish or German. Someday I would like to learn both of those too though!
And, as I sing alto (not bass), the choir members I was referring to are female. : )
But carying an umbrella is not a bad idea...Mary Poppins (practically perfect in every way) carries one!

BTW, I'm going to post pictures of Cottey soon...I just forgot about it today! : )

Aunt B said...


How are ya!? And of COURSE you're taking French to get in good with us! What's your deal, blah blah blah need it for credits, blah blah blah!!!! :-)

Your uncle Danno will have to translate your other comment, I'll try and remind him to check it out.

So..........are there any nice BOYS at Grandma's church? C'mon give us the nitty gritty, girl! Inquiring minds want to KNOW! ;-)

Hope you have a good day!

The Bookworm said...

Can you believe it - not ONE!!!
Then again, I guess that even if there was (ahahaemmmm), I probably wouldn't notice. : )
Too bad for him.
Yep, that's my nitty-gritty low-down!

Oh, and tell uncle Dano that I typed in a few wrong words, "en" being one of them. : ) (It should be "dans") lol
I'm learning....

Daniel said...

You did well. See my comment in the other entry.

VrouwBouwman said...

Hey, Sarah Lou!;)
It's good to know that all is well with you in Missouri! Sounds like you have your hands full! But come on!!! FRENCH???!!! Give me a break!Bert thinks you need to learn a really great Portuguese?!:)

( How many men does it take to defend Paris? answer: Nobody knows---its never been done!!!;)

What we want to know is: are you taking a true French immersion??? No shaving the pits, no showering, etc.?

Just kidding...we hope you are doing well in your French class and expect to hear a few words next time we see you! (Like we'd know what you were saying!!!)

Daniel said...

Ha, ha.
So how many does it take to defend Brazil?
Nobody knows. No ones ever wanted it.

VrouwBouwman said...

Ha, ha! I've been to Brazil a few times and I agree!;) (Shhh! Don't tell my husband!)

VrouwBouwman said...

Oh---and a correction: its supposed to be how many FRENCH men does it take to defend Paris---I do believe AMERICAN men have defended Paris.:-)

My mistake.

skymama7 said...

oh the good-hearted banter that has been going on!

perhaps bert and molly could wear native brazilian dress at the costume party, and brenda and daniel could wear native french dress and they could show off their pride in the husbands' homelands.

of course that would mean bouwmans would show up in a pair of thongs...which would instantly gain more attention than anything the bixby's could dream up!!!

Aunt B said...

:-) You're funny, skymama!

What kind o party you think i'm plannin'?!