Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I finally did it!

Tonight I went with my friend, Kylie, to get my ears pierced! It didn't hurt TOO badly, and I'm glad I made the brave decision. (Isabelle was dying to go with and get hers peirced too, but that did not happen. She stayed home with her brother.) We went to a place in the Mall of America, and a girl from church who worked their did them for us. - Elise
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Anonymous said...

Way to go Elise! I'm proud of your bravery! I'll be sure to buy you some long dangily earrings for your Birthday!
Auntie Becky

Anonymous said...

upHi, Elise,
You are so brave!
You know that your grandma is a big chicken.

Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

woops, didn't mean to put in the up
i'm just a beginner!

Anonymous said...

Hey, cool Elise!
Do your ears feel any different? lol
I like your "new look"1 : )


VrouwBouwman said...

Elise, it is good that you did it now, because when you get old like me, you chicken out and don't even want to do it!:)Now all your boyfriends can buy you jewels for your ears!;)

Anonymous said...

Yay Elise!!! I've been waiting and waiting and waiting for this moment to come!!! ;)

Grandma, I think you need to do it just so you can say you finally faced your fear and just got it over with! (And then we brave people can't bug you anymore.)
