Bert & Molly Bouwman hosted a Cousin's Get-Together on Saturday, December 30th in their home.
We gathered for a delicious brunch where Molly had prepared egg bakes, fruit salad, bacon, sausage...Sandy Martin brought Grandma Lula's sticky buns...Sara Briggs brought a wide assortment of donuts...Stacy & I had the easy task of bringing juice...well, you get the idea, we ate good!
Those present were Bert & Molly (P) Bouwman with Berand (sp?), Bronwen, and MacLaren; Daniel & Brenda Bixby with Elise, Benjamin, and Isabelle; Eric Turner with Olivia and Eva (Wendy (P) was gone on a trip...she called us from Orlando); Andy & Sara Briggs with Kenneth and Harrison; Joel & Sandy (P) Martin with Jane and Maggie; Joel & Stacy (P) Ham. The (P)=Pregnant. ;)
After eating, the men gathered for an intense game of Mafia (taught to us by teacher Joel M.), while the women conversed and the children played. Thanks Joel for teaching us the fun game! Unfortunately, it seemed like such a short time later, we had to leave. Time flies!
We had a great time with our cousins and can't wait to do it all again very soon! Thanks again Bert & Molly for putting it on!